Daniela Moyano’s presentation, Sof+IA: Feminist AI to Address Digital Gender Violence, explored how artificial intelligence can be used to advance social justice, specifically to combat digital gender violence (DGV) in Chile. Moyano, an information designer and data visualization expert, developed the Sof+IA chatbot as a tool to assist survivors of DGV by providing immediate resources, emotional support, and guidance. The project arose from the recognition that many women experiencing digital violence were falling through the cracks of existing systems of support, often due to barriers such as underreporting, lack of resources, or fear of stigmatization.
In her talk, Moyano analyzed Sof+IA through the lens of data feminism, a framework introduced by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein in their book of the same name. Analyzing the chatbots through these principles highlights both the strengths of its development process—such as the multiple rounds of community feedback it underwent—as well as places for improvement. While the data feminism principles are undoubtedly important to strive for, the reality of the development process makes it difficult. For example, Moyano highlighted how one goal of the project was to rely less on foreign software, as it introduced dependencies that could make application to a Latin American context challenging. However, due to budget and time constraints, it wasn’t possible to use local software.
Moyano’s talk highlighted the difficult balance between the ideals of feminist AI design and the practical limitations of technological development, particularly in regions where local infrastructure and funding are often insufficient. Despite these challenges, Sof+IA represents an important step forward in the use of AI for social justice. By centering the experiences of DGV survivors and designing with a feminist, intersectional lens, Moyano’s work exemplifies how AI can be a force for good in addressing gendered violence and creating a more equitable society.
About Daniela Moyano
Daniela Moyano is an information designer and data visualization expert with a focus on gender data and feminist perspectives. With a B.A. in Design and an M.S.C. in Sociology, she has co-founded ODEGI, an observatory promoting critical gender data use. Daniela has led multiple research and design projects, including Sof+IA, a chatbot addressing digital gender violence. Her work blends technology, social justice, and feminist theory, advocating for more inclusive and ethical technological practices.