AI and Equality

About Us

The < AI & Equality > Toolbox is a collaboration between Women at the Table and EPFL, in consultation with OHCHR.

Our Team

Sofia Kypraiou

Sofia developed the AI Toolbox workshop and methodology as her Masters Thesis in Data Science at EPFL in 2021. She continues to lead the technical evolution of the project and related components. She was a 2021 Women At The Table Tech Fellow. In 2023 she was named one of 10 Women in Tech in Switzerland to Follow by Girls In Tech Switzerland.

Emma Kallina

Emma is interested in stakeholder engagement along the AI development pipeline, exploring ways to ensure that the people impacted by a system can have a say in its design. She is in the second year of her PhD at the University of Cambridge (UK), supervised by Thomas Bohné, Stephen Cave, and Alan Blackwell. Emma is a student fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence and a research fellow at the Responsible AI Institute. In her free time, Emma loves to rock climb and go bouldering.

Anna Gueorguieva

Anna is a soon-to-be graduate from the University of California, Berkeley where she studies Data Science and Legal Studies. At Women at the Table, she coordinates community engagement efforts for the Human Rights Toolbox cultivating a digital community of individuals moving together towards a human rights-based approach to AI.

Caitlin Kraft-Buchman

CEO/Founder of Women at the Table – a gender equality & systems change CSO based in Switzerland - which developed + hosts the Toolbox. Co-Founder/ Leader of the A+ Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms – a global coalition working for a world where machine learning does not wire already biased systems into our future which is a leader of the UN Generation Equality Action Coalition for Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality. Caitlin was co-chair of Expert Group for 2023’s UN Commission on the Status of Women CSW67 with its priority theme of Technology & Innovation.

Pilar Grant

Pilar is a graphic designer + strategist based in Santiago, Chile. She is currently working in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation (Chile), as well as Design Consultant at Women at the Table.

William Eduarte

Consultant from Costa Rica. He runs his own film production company, Soma Films, producing short films, animation, sound and music design.

Mario Gómez

Mario is our expert in everything web-related.

Our Story


Women at the Table Roundtable for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) with whom Women at the Table continues to collaborate. University of Geneva and EPFL join us in conversation on AI & Gender (supported by w@tt’s flexible core funding from the Oak Foundation).


EPFL workshop (initially titled  AI & Gender:University Edition) conceived in collaboration with OHCHR to catalyze discussions on a human rights-based approach to AI with students and researchers.



 First workshop delivered at EPFL in concert with the EPFL Digital Humanities Lab, and EPFL Equalities Office.


The Toolbox is the subject of an EPFL Masters Thesis  expanding the technical portions of the workshop as part of Women at the Table’s Tech Fellows programme. The thesis is validated at EPFL and University College Dublin/ School of Information & Communication through Workshops, Evaluation and Iterations as Proof of Methodology/Concept for the <AI & Equality> Human Rights Toolbox.

Additional workshop delivery at >unil/dhlab University of  Lausanne Critical Data Studies / Masters: -Applied Research Component:  Social impact of development practices on dating: Re-engineering the Tinder algorithm.
→Women in Data Science retreat-EPFL 
→Women in Data Science retreat-St. Gallen 
→Greek ACM (Assoc for Computing Machinery) – Winter School  on Fairness in AI.


Workshop Delivery at 
→Cambridge University Learning for Purpose Gates Council Scholars Masters & Phd cohort: Applied Research Component on Corporate Approaches to Human Rights Management in the Technology Sector  
→Three part series Eindhoven University of Technology (Tu/e)
: Applied Research Components on 1. Ethical and legal assessment of data sets 2.  Interpretable Models & Explainable AI 3. Values, Inductive Risk, and ML Opacity.
→Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) chaired by Center Director with 16 Phds across medicine, law, philosophy and computer science disciplines; 
Women in Data Science Zürich Conference where Poster wins 1st Prize. 

→MOZFEST (Mozilla Foundation event: gathering activists in diverse global movements for a more humane digital world), Applied Research Component on The role of the private sector in Human Rights with Dr Isabelle Ebert/ St. Gallen;
→HLPF (UN High Level Political Forum):  Learning Session 6 Organized by UNITAR on SDG5 with UN Women, Women’s Major Group, Women At The Table delivered Human Rights based bias in AI   >AMRO 2022 Where Art meets Radical Openness Linz, Austria.

→Toolbox staff supervises a
Capstone Project for Smith College/ Data Science Clinic with 5 final year undergraduate Data Science majors using <AI Equality> Toolbox methodology to examine ’Does the COMPAS Needle Always Point Towards Equity? Finding Fairness in the COMPAS Risk Assessment Algorithm: A Case Study
→Capstone Project for Smith College/ Data Science Clinic with 5 final year undergraduate Data Science majors using <AI Equality> Toolbox methodology to create a new Jupyter notebook using Findex / World bank Datasets Analysis of Access to Emergency Funds in Sub-Saharan Countries.


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We are committed to advancing human rights-based approaches in AI & encourage anyone interested in learning more from a global perspective to explore and contribute to our community!