AI and Equality


Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Hongladarom’s concern is mainly on how science and technology can be integrated into the lifeworld of the people in the so-called Third World countries, and what kind of ethical considerations can be obtained from such relation.

A large part of this question concerns how information technology is integrated in the lifeworld of the Thai people, and especially how such integration is expressed in the use of information technology in education. 

About the author

Soraj Hongladarom is currently Professor of Philosophy at the International Buddhist Studies College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Ayutthaya, Thailand. He is also Research Fellow at the Center for Science, Technology and Society at Chulalongkorn University. He has published books and articles on such diverse issues as bioethics, computer ethics, and the roles that science and technology play in the culture of developing countries.

He is the author of The Ethics of AI and Robotics: A Buddhist Viewpoint (Rowman and Littlefield), The Online Self (Springer) and A Buddhist Theory of Privacy (Springer). His articles have appeared in The Information Society, AI & Society, Philosophy in the Contemporary World, and Social Epistemology, among others.

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